Developing digital services is all about sense and sensibility
When you have an idea of a digital service or product that could and should make the difference to your potential customers, the spectrum of feelings and emotions related to the development process and the object itself feels like ever expanding. Just like the universe itself. This quest, this journey is testing you and your team all the way.
Failing fast or persistently sticking with your idea? The dual setting of sense and sensibility is a root cause for ever changing feelings. Still, it is the natural part of the evolution and development of your digital service idea. So our advice still is: keep on going, keep on talking with your team and potential customers and other stakeholders, stick to your dream, and yet, give it time and space to evolve and reform. Because you and we are worth it. This journey after which we are all better off prepared for the next one.
Read more from our DigiReactor blog – Failing fast or persistently sticking with your idea?
Happy holidays and take care!
BR, Satu Aaltonen & Antti Tuomisto
Turku School of Economics
University of Turku
The funding of DigiReactor is part of Covid-19 pandemic related actions by the EU.