
Classic Information Systems Science Library & CISSL Society


Our CISS library has many classics in Information Systems Science as well as basic works. The selection is given a multidisciplinary flavour, especially by those volumes that deal with the subjects on the Humanities or Social Sciences. As a special bonus, it is worth mentioning the extensive dissertation section, especially those accumulated in the Nordic countries. With good luck, you can find, for example, good literature reviews in them. Most of the books are in English, but the Finnish language is also well represented. A few German-language gems have been joined by items in many Scandinavian languages.


My name is Markku I. Nurminen. I am Emeritus professor of Work Informatics at the University of Turku. I have decided to give up my professional literature. It takes up an unnecessary amount of shelf space, and its active use is no longer in my plans due to my advanced age. However, I don’t want to throw my books in the paper collection, but distribute them through my old workplace at the University of Turku’s Department of Information Systems.

CISSL can be interpreted as a manifesto for the book – in an era when the habits of the younger generations do not seem to include a strong focus on books. Books have become friends for me over the years, from which I have received guidelines for my own work; the connections to the issues on Work Informatics are obvious. Of course, some of the book friends have also warned against going down some road. For me, destroying a book is parallel to killing a friend. Yes, I guess that there are several individual items in the already aging collection of books who can no longer find a new home. Even then, the fateful decision to destroy the book has preceded by the fair opportunity.


The following principles are followed in the redistribution of books in CISSL Society:

  1. The books are displayed for reservation in batches on a regular basis. The first batch will include books written by authors with the surname that begins with A or B.
  2. We cannot afford to have a physical space for seeing and touching. The reservation must be done from the ascetic Excel files.
  3. Check out the list of books HERE!
  4. We cannot afford a delivery by mail. The reservations should be picked up from the desk at the department.
  5. The “customers” are not restricted to the personnel and students of the department. The customers are supposed to register with contact information (e-mail)
  6. The books are free. We shall, however, before accepting your reservation, ask you to tell us the motivation, why you want to have just the book you have reserved. These motivations may be made public among registered members.
Kategoriat: Books, Classics, Information Systems, Library

22 vastausta artikkeliin “Classic Information Systems Science Library & CISSL Society”

  1. Good day! Today is the day we start our Classic Information Systems Science Library Society! Read. More! And Better. Books!

    Here you find the list of A books (authors who start with A):

    TO DO:
    a) Browse the list of books, get into titles and authors.
    b) Get excited and eager to learn more.
    c) Contact us, tell us what books you want & why, and collect the book(s).
    d) Give your comments and thoughts on the book you just read to us, the CISSL Society.

    If you have any technical problems with this page, contact and send the list of books you are interested in.
    Thank you!

  2. Excellent collection of ISS-literature. Especially from the point of Work Informatics and Knowledge Work.

  3. Klassikot eivät vanhene. Varasinkin siksi Aristoteles Nikomakhoksen etiikan, kun kerran tarjolla PDF:n tilalle. Fyysinen kirja on itselle ehdottomasti paras formaatti lukemiseen.

    Lisäksi Logiikka ja kieli (Allwood, Jens & Andersson, Lars-Gunnar & Dahl, Östen) herätti kiinnostuksen.

    • Aristotle requires that the rational part of human character also must be virtuous. Do you think that this requirement can be seen in Work Informatics and its promotion of the inner work life? Ethical business processes?

  4. Hi! I’d like to have these three books, please:
    Ariely, Dan – Predictably Irrational; The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions
    Anscombe, G. E. M. – Intention
    Arendt, Hannah – The Human Condition

    Why these? In a nutshell, I have always wanted to understand humans better; their actions and motivations.

    In my studies (so far) I have mainly focused on information systems from the user point of view (UX, usability, etc.) and I have added some cognitive science and future studies to the mix. I am especially interested in for example paradigm shifts in computing (again user pov, but also on a higher, societal level) and the unexpected (or even ”wrong”) ways people adopt something into their use. And I’d like to apply those to pondering the future, perhaps gain some insight or inkling on what/why/how the world will change big the next time. But it all starts with understanding people and their actions.

    So, from this point of view, these three books seem to be quite classics and/or otherwise fascinating, maybe even eye-openers, and hopefully helpful for me. 🙂


  5. Hello,

    I’m intrested about these three books:
    Abercrombie, Nicholas Class, Structure and Knowledge; Problems in the Sociology of Knowledge

    Abrahamsson, Bengt Bureaucracy or Participation

    Aldrich, Howard Organizations Evolving

    • Jo, Erkki! What makes these books attractive to you? Expectations?

  6. More! Books! Here you are, my friends, the B-books! Not anyway lesser than A-books, but fulfilling the setting.

    Book your A+B CISSL Society books here

    You still can book both A and B books for your own use. Browse them now, send a message here (or with your list and reasons, and get your hands into reading!

    We already have 8 bookings! Great! There are many IS classics you cannot find easily anywhere else. Book them to yourself. NOW!

    • B-kirjojen joukosta löytyi kasapäin mielenkiintoisia teoksia! Siksi oli pakko tehdä tiukkaa karsintaa. Päädyin triplatoiveeseen listani kärjestä, jonne ylsivät viestintätieteiden näkökulmasta kiinnostavimmat eli:

      1. Brissett, Dennis & Edgley, Charles: Life as Theater; A Dramaturgical Source Book
      2. Block, Peter: The Answer to How is Yes; Acting on What Matters
      3. Brenner, Michael (ed.): The Structure of Action

      Kiitos, Markku & WI!

      • I can see directly the relevance for Work Informatics embedded in the Brenner’s book. Have you similar expectations towards the other two, what kind of?

        • Toiminnan tarkastelu yhdistää näitä kaikkia kolmea. Mulle aihe on tärkeä lähinnä viestinnän ja vuorovaikutuksen näkökulmasta. Tarkkojen odotusten sijaan toiveena olisi uudet ajatukset ja ymmärryksen lisääntyminen.

    • D is clearly my letter! I take the following books:
      – Dahl: Size and democracy
      – Davenport et al: The attention economy
      – Dewey: How we think
      – Dreyfus: What computers still can’t do (1992)
      – Dreyfus et al: Mind over machine

      I think they will help me forwards with my research on the ethical and societal implications of technology, thinking about the current hype around AI systems and also the economic structures that play a part in all this technological change and how we talk about it. Good reading ahead!

      • The Dreyfus books share the understanding often seen in the contributions of Work Informatics: the computers do not qualify as responsible actors. Probably we should require that even the use of AI systems has a responsible actor?

    • Kiinnostuin kirjasta ”Elämän korjaajat; kädentaitojen ja käytännöllisen ammattityön ylistys” (Crawford, Matthew B.). Kirjan nimi kiinnitti huomiota ja maanläheisenä ihmisenä arvostan kädentaitoja ja kaikkea käytännöllisyyttä elämässä. Odotan innolla tulevaa lukukokemusta!

  7. Dreyfus’s book – What Computers Can’t Do;The Limits of Artificial Intelligence – is still timely. I am working on paper about Heideggerian analysis of being in the context of AI and this book is highly relevant reading for me.

    Thank you Markku for this piece of gold:)

    • Onpa jälleen upeita kirjoja!
      Viestintätieteilijänä toiveeni on päivänselvä:
      1. Goffman, Ervin: The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life
      2. Giglioli, Pier Paolo (ed.): Language and Social Context

      Markulle isot kiitokset!

  8. I have not yet read Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paulo Freire. However, I have thought of reading it (more than once). Maybe now I even might, if I’ll get it. I suspect it to be timely, even with its Marxist undertones. The need for emancipatory pedagogy is still with us. Kiitos Markku kirjastosi jakamisesta!

  9. Hi again! I was happily surprised to find Heath, Christian & Luff, Paul Technology in Action in the updated list. I would love to have that one, if it is still available. I joined a two-day seminar by Christian Heath in the beginning of 2000’s, and admire his approach. Unfortunately, I have never had the opportunity and patience to study interactions is such a detail. But maybe some day…

  10. I found the most interesting part from the letter B. Many of those I visited more than 20 years ago, when I was interested in Knowledge Management.

    As a software engineering ”executive”, my intrests have been changed a bit, but It is still the people, stupid


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