The DigiReactor project supports the digitalisation of small businesses by developing competences for digital product development together with designing regional operating models. Development work is needs-based and takes place in co-operation with the participants in the training. Trainings are open to all entrepreneurs, employees and students regardless of their field of business or discipline. The trainings are conducted in English. Special target groups are owners and employees of companies with an immigrant background, as well as international students entering the labour markets.
The DigiReactor project is carried out jointly by Turku University of Applied Sciences, the University of Turku and Turku Science Park. The project is coordinated by Turku University of Applied Sciences. The project will be implemented in the period 1.9.2021-31.5.2023. The main sponsor of the project is the European Social Fund. The funding is part of Covid-19 pandemic related actions by the EU.
The project aims to (1) increase the target group’s digital product development skills, (2) develop an inclusive, pragmatic and collaborative method for developing digital products and services, and (3) produce a handbook for digital product development which includes case studies and is based on the lessons learned during the project. The intertwined work packages (WP) of the project are listed below together with the lead partners. All partners take part in the implementation of each work package.
The main activies as work packages and with responsbile organizations are:
- WP 1: Digital Product Development 1.01 (lead partner: Turku Science Park)
- WP 2: From an Idea to Digital Product and Service (lead partners: Turku School of Applied Sciences and University of Turku)
- WP 3: Digital Product Developer’s Handbook (lead partner: University of Turku)
A practical handbook including case studies on digital product development is produced. It is based on the experience gained, testing, observations and literature. The participants of the project are involved in both producing and testing the content. An English and Finnish version of the handbook will be made available and distributed to the stakeholders and target companies, as well as students.
Co-operation with companies and international students – you are welcome to participate!
The DigiReactor project provides you skills on digital product development which will help you to boost your business or improve your chances of employment were you an entrepreneur or an international student. In case you got interested, feel free to contact Antti (Antti.Tuomisto@utu.fi). Let’s discuss your needs!
Hello entrepreneur! What can the DigiReactor offer you?
- the opportunity to develop your skills in using digital solutions as part of your business
- new perspectives on developing your own business
- the opportunity to have discussions with and get to know other local companies
- contacts with universities and business services in the area
- contacts with skilled students.
Hello student! What can the DigiReactor offer you?
- skills on digital product development needed for future working life
- practical training on how to work with companies
- working life contacts with local companies
- an opportunity to get to know students from other disciplines and universities
- a certificate of participation that you can attach to your CV.